How Being a Blogger is Like Being a Sex Worker
No prior experience necessary
Word of mouth works best
Doing it once a day is good, doing it twice a day is better, doing it three times a day is best but awfully hard to sustain
If you pleasure someone, you’ll often be pleasured in return although not always in the way you'd prefer
It’s really important to avoid viruses
Learn a few basic tricks and then do them over and over
Getting someone to pimp your business can increase traffic but also has unintended negative consequences
Some days it’s impossible to satisfy the customers
Trackbacks always welcome
At first, the work is a lot of fun; as time goes on, less so
Receiving rude or off-topic comments is part of the job
The vast majority of the public has no idea what you’re doing
Sometimes it’s really hard not to suck
How Being a Blogger is Not Like Being a Sex Worker:
Sex workers get paid
最近找了一些明星名誉权肖像权相关的判决书学习,记录一下。 从侵权方式看,主要可以分为这三种: 盈利性的肖像权使用 诽谤或侮辱性言论损害名誉权
美容整形机构的侵权:这个本来可以归类到前面两点之中,不过相关的案件数量太多,单列出来分类。 三个案由里:
5 年前
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