Hermes Picotin Herpicot product lines include perfumes, leather goods, fashion handbags and accessories. The reputation and workmanship of the company are well known in the fashion industry. Let us begin with a little background about the company. Taurillon Clemence which is made from baby bull is even softer and thicker than Togo.
LiveScript do keyword
LiveScript 眾多的語法糖衣中, do 算是被附加最多功能的 keyword . 所以整理一下目前已知的用法備忘。
1. execute
如同 do 字面的意思,就是執行。後面可以跟的是 Function or Array .
do Function
# anonymous funct...
对异类排斥的合理性--《Transformers: Dark of the Moon》(内有剧透)
3D版,不过出乎我意料之外的是《Transformers 3》居然打破了好莱坞的续集定律,营养价值大大超过...
5 评论:
PS:我感觉这样很不可思议,google.com会为了某个国家的政府改变自己"Don't be evil"的宗旨?毕竟之前美国政府和巴西政府的事件都是以Google的据理力争获胜了啊
Hermes Picotin Herpicot product lines include perfumes, leather goods, fashion handbags and accessories. The reputation and workmanship of the company are well known in the fashion industry. Let us begin with a little background about the company. Taurillon Clemence which is made from baby bull is even softer and thicker than Togo.
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